WHO Counseling Services offers an array of substance abuse services designed to assist and encourage individuals who are having challenges with addiction and would like someone to walk with you along the way. All our services work to link and assist participants with assessing needed medical, psychiatric, psychological, social, educational, vocational, recovery, and other supports essential to meeting your basic needs. Our various programs focus on substance abuse education and relapse prevention, while participants work with someone an individual and or group environment to start to learn how to live a recovery lifestyle.
Latausha Boone, LPC
Our services are offered in coordination with the Department of Correction and are court approved.
C.O.R.E. Skills
The C.O.R.E. Skills program is for individuals that struggle with substance use disorder. The aim of the program is to educate, empower, and motivate individuals to change the direction of their lives. This program will answer the call for us to be gender specific, culturally competent, inclusive, and diverse. Unfortunately, individuals have been made
C.O.R.E. Skill Program Benefits:
Prepares the client for service/treatment;
Builds skills through encouraging change;​
Describes the course of service and/or treatment.
to adapt to substance use disorder treatment programs that were designed with others in mind. Additionally, research informs us that traditional treatment are not very successful with the criminal justice population.